it'll probably get old but getting free drinks while you are working is great. it's not so good for my diet i'm suppossed to be on again. my second day was better than my first. i worked at the register today and had some taste testing...:) do miss kael though but it's so nice to know he's with his dad....i don't even think he minds at all. he's got his daddy....he is at such a fun much personality. pictures to come soon.
Lattes with Non-fat Milk and sugar free flavor are perfect. I drink them all the time on my diet. actually more than I did when I wasnt dieting...I'll be a caffine addict at then end of this
haha when I worked at starbucks it took me about one month to notice the change in my weight due to all my free drinks made with whole milk! I switched from whole to non fat pretty quick and got used to the change in no time! enjoy your free drinks.... mmmmm.... starbucks....
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