Friday, February 23, 2007

little things

Today I was writing in my journal…and I felt as if I had nothing really to say , even in my journal, even just to myself. I’ve never felt this way about Friday’s before..i used to love my work, I loved working with ywam, so it never felt as if ….ooh thank God it’s Friday……but now since I don’t enjoy so much being away from mike or the cleaning that I do for work during the week, and also I’ve been exercising and I don’t enjoy it ( I like that I’m doing it, but I definitely don’t enjoy it) anyways….by Friday my body is exhausted, I don’t get much done on Friday’s. I just read, play with kael and cook….i might even nap with kael…I’m just so tired by the time Friday comes….so Saturday is my favorite day of the week, no exercising, no work, mike is home with me and if kael is up a lot through the night, it doesn’t matter we can be as lazy as we want…
Anyways… I was thinking, who am I meant to be? And then I realized I am not ‘meant’ to be anything, I am who I am. And I just have to let myself be myself. Does that make sense? It makes sense to me, I just have to allow myself to enjoy the things I love, to go after the things I want to do/accomplish/be part of …and I just be me. I feel like that should be super easy but for some reason I don’t feel like it’s that easy. So then I was making a list of things I enjoy..little things, simple things not great big ‘visions or dreams’ I have…but just me. So I thought I’d share some of them with you…….i enjoy..
A really good cup of coffee, especially if it is accompanied by something lke cheesecake, chocolate or shortbread cookies….i do enjoy cooking and baking yummy food and of course eating it. Beautiful things, photographs, landscape, paintings, etc..
Book that sucks you right into ti’s pages, that you don’t want to put it down, you think about the characters when you are not reading the book….( this is good too with a cup of coffee)
Magazines….i could buy magazines all the time if they weren’t so expensive….
Going ‘out for coffee’ with a good friend….talking, real talking, not superficial small talk,
Being alone in the house, no one around, no responsibilities, no chores…..just able to do whatever I want…( I haven’t known that feeling for awhile) but I will again one day.
Having dinner with my family, especially right after my dad is back from a trip, we usually have yummy food, like steak and there is lots of catching up….(with coffee afterwards of course)
These might all seems like superficial things…but there are what came to mind, there are all the obvious things I enjoy that I’m not going to go into (like mike and kael and so much about them and my relationship with them) these are just the simple things. Hope you all get to do something today that you enjoy, that just makes you feel like ‘you’.


jacqui said...

I share your sentiments about coffee ... i wish we could go for a cup - i'd love to have a REAL talk with you. many blessings ...

jamie said...

those things are anything but superficial!