Monday, March 19, 2007

at least 16 pounds

k this whole time that we have been back in scotland, me and mike have been on this special thing called 'body for life' it's a workout/ excercise program and eating diet. it's supposed to help guys get in shape and gain muscle and help girls lose weight and tone muscle. So i'm not sure what my actual body-fat percentage was last time, but i do know that I've managed to lose at least 16 pounds on this diet. I know alot of you haven't seen me in awhile, and you haven't really seen me since right after i had kael. i feel great. i feel much better and more confident. I'll post some pics when i get back to the states and have other clothes beside my maternity clothes i'm still wearing. ( or the clothes i bought while i was larger) I've wanted to lose weight for awhile and i'm so relieved that i actually managed to do it. I've got more weight to lose so i'll still be working on it, but it's such a good start i think. so i'm celebrating. (not by eating tons of food..;)


Emily Deu said...

YEAH!!!! That's so awesome, cant wait to see more pics, I could totally all ready tell from that last pic you had up of you and Kael. Way to go!

Audrey Whitesides said...

way to go jessi, wish i was there to celebrate with you!! watching movies and drinking coffee!! are you getting ready for your move?

Kristina said...

congrats. isnt it nice? I've lost 14 lbs so far.

Angela Oliver said...

girl!!! i'm proud of you!! good job..between you and steener and seeing lindsey in january who looked great...and audrey who is what -15 pounds now, and heather who looks like a million bucks, you'd think I'd get sadly I'm still not ready to be in control of that, so you can pray for me for that too! However, i am much closer to that place than I was before - stress isn't taking over my life as much, and that helps with the binging.
love you much

globebug said...

all the best with the big move...hope it goes really smoothly for you all. shame we didn't get to meet up...maybe next time. :)
love you,
h. x

MaryHuffman said...

Hi Jessi, Mike and Kael,
I've just open a blog so I can keep intouch better. The photo's of Kael are great. He's gorgeous.
Do you have skype? we could make a date and see eachother if you have a webcam as well. Joshua will be 1year old on the 5th April.
by for now.

MaryHuffman said... maybe you need this to address to find me. Sooooo not technical. love Mary

Lindsey said...

way to go jessi!