well...i know i haven't blogged in awhile. while we were at my parents i just couldn't handle the dial up connection and so i hardly went on the computer and there was no way i was going to try and update this. So, .....christmas was great, i was so happy to be home with my family....it;s just so nice to be home. And for christmas i got lots of great gifts...and a got a macbook pro :) yeah!! from mike, i got it a little early and i knew i was getting it but it's still a great present!!!! and an espresso maker and scrapbooking stuff, books, movies, etc.....you know the usual.....and my dad got kael a violin!! there is a pic of the two of them. my dad got himself one as well and has been practicing and i think he sounds pretty good. So, when kael is older he'll be able to learn from his grandpa and my dad gave us money to put away for violin lessons for when he gets older...
i'm sure there is more to update but that's just a little update for now.....we are back in scotland..and gettin adjusted again, kael and the rest of us are suffering from jet lag...and it isn't easy on his sleep.... or on any of us...but i'm sure he'll adjust again soon...that's all for now.
Awww! Violins and kids make such cute pictures. I'm sure Kael will make a fine violinist/fiddler.
aww soo good to hear from you! congrats on the laptop...i got a macbook for christmas too! so fun eh?? miss you jessi!
hey jess
I miss you loads girl. I have been thinking about you a lot. We put the big picture you gave us up on our wall so that I can think about you every day. You truly are one of my favourite people - and I wish I could see you being a mom. I think you'd be great. Today I had a thought that number 2 could be on the horizon soon. Wouldn't that be amazing???
And Kael is unbelievable adorable.
thanks for the pics.
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