Friday, November 10, 2006

the role of motherhood.

the funny thing about the title of this post and the whole concept is that i have tried to start this blog at least 4 times.....but who's counting. finally it's almost 530pm and for once kael is really sleeping...probably cause he is so tired from only having short naps all day long...ones that don't really count and then gets so fussy cause he's tired.
ANYWAYS....being a stay at home mom is alot more work than i thought it would be. and for me at the moment, it's not really 'work' like housework...i don't have a kitchen so i can't really make meals..(we mostly eat with george and jo..except sometimes we eat on our own if i cook in their kitchen which is upstairs..) laundry is down the hall...and i've gotten to do two loads..but one stayed in the dryer for days cause i just didn't have time to go get it....

i'm alone so much, holding him either sleeping or eating that i have finished 4 books since i have been here and this afternoon i just couldn't bring myself to read anything else, so i just took a nap with him until he really fell asleep and then here i am, finally getting to write on this blog.

it's harder than i thought. i feel like i need a break and it's only been a week. This afternoon took forever

anyways....i guess i am cooking tonight. so i have to go.


Rachel said...

jessi, did you get my email??
how long are you here for?
how soon do we need to get together???
i really dont want to miss seeing you!
and id love for you to meet tim!
love ya!

Janalynn said...

hey jessi...i've just started reading your have an adorable son. If you can believe it, Kael was actually one of the few names Shiloh & I had on our list, but chose Ezekiel!! Mommyland is definatly much different than the workworld, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Glad to hear things are going well. Love from Nebraska, JL :)