so...now that i have a computer...internet access more accessible at least..i can give you a few more updates from my time at home....
one update i thought rachel, audrey and jamie would be especially proud of me for...while we were my whole famiy went to the ski hill...myself, mike, mom, dad andy and jen...and i decided to try snowboarding...i didn't do so well. i was on my butt most of the time but i did try. i wanted to go again but it didn't work out. andy and jen were snowboarding past me and my parents were skiing around me asking if i was ok,..but i managed to do it...the bunny hilll at least. so that's my big news. i got to see my friends emily and shelley when i was home....that was fun....we even had a game time with a bunch of friends....umm let's see...i can't really think of much else..except little highlights like my mom being awake in the morning and offering to hang out with kael and letting me go back to sleep...that was especially nice at 5am. umm...getting to wach tv, i was addicted to the home and garden channel when i was home. ( we don't have tv here) and just getting to hang out with mike...and sitting around. so that's the update for christmas..
so...now we are back in scotland. i have started a part time job. this building that mike's dad is in is so big and there is so much going on that they usually hire a cleaner...so i'm the new cleaner i get paid by the project so it doesn't matter how many times i have to stop to feed, change hold kael. which is good...so i've been going two days now and it's definitely making my life a full time...so i'm tired. and jet lag is a killer...no one can tell me it isn't real (Randy)....cause i have a baby and it's real, it definitely screws up his schedule..he was doing so good in tomahawk, taking naps, going to sleep easy..and now it's hard wrk trying to get him back into a routine but we are working on it..tonight is much better he went to sleep at 8 and we'll see if he sleeps for awhle at least..
here's an old pic of him from before we left for christmas
well that's all for now..sorry i haven't been too good at keeping in touch or keeping this thing updated...i miss my friends..
jessi, i am so proud of you for boarding, great job! the first time i went, i practically became best friends with the snow...falling every 2 seconds...after awhile you just get used to it, or your butt gets numb!
i will be praying for you and the jet lag thing with kael. this too shall pass...thats what i scream when something is not easy!!
i miss you more and more each day! really, i miss you. i miss the home feeling you bring to a room...dont forget you have that ok!!!
nice job thomas, the second time always goes better than the first!
yay, jessi..thats so fun!
im glad you didnt hate it!! i was the same as audge when i first went and the next day, or few days, i couldnt move!
im glad you got some creature comforts while being home. you deserve it!
i love you and miss you! when am i gonna see you next??
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