i'm missing my friends...i feel like all my posts are negative lately ..i feel like i don't have much to say...i feel like i don't really want to be honest on here either. My life isn't all bad...i love my husband and chilld soooo much....kael is so adoreable...he is reaching for things alot now and he's fascinated by watching us eat or drink anything...he just stares..even if he's a little fussy..it' holds his attention and he watches us put these things in our mouth and even sometimes he mimics our mouths.....soo cute! and also, when he's sitting on my lap and i'm wearing my pj's with snowflakes on them, he tries to grab the snowflakes......it's so funny..he grabs at everything..the other day he got a handful of mike's eggs..:) i love him, i love seeing him change and grow.
i wish i had some friends around to share it all with...for you to see him change and grow aas well..i 'm really missing my community in vancouver, i think i took it forgranted when i was there..i knew i appreciated it , especially after kael was born...and so many people brought us meals...people we didn't even know....but too many times i stayed home when i should've called friends...when i should've gone to see my friends..just stopped by their houses more often....ooh how i miss you ....
i want to share my life with people...(besides my immediate family) i know we will again soon..we are eager to get settled , find a church, meet people, make the effort to make friends....we our looking forward to new lives....even though we miss our old lives alot.
i want other moms' around, to really talk about baby's and to ask my questions to about kael, not just people's advice...i want someone to talk about my own feelings with.....you know, like friends, good friends.i'm lonely ( i know it will end, it will pass, etc etc.....this is just how i've been feeling lately...) i think that's all i'll say for now...,(ps my friend kristin took this pic of me..and some more of me at the very end of my pregnancy....they turned out beautiful....i miss her too...:)
1 comment:
me too friend... me too. i miss you. you are lovely and special and i wish we were all together...
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