well..i was just wondering tonight, do people ever think you know anything..i sometimes wonder that. especially when it comes to kids...i know that people want to be helpful, but sometimes it seems as if they think they know what's best for you and your kid, sometimes i really second guess myself about being a mother, i feel as if,' do i really know what i'm doing' am i doing things right?? is the rest of my life going to be like this??? i hope not. i hope i can realize that i will just do my best....
but you know, there are things i have questions about....and sometimes i'm not sure who to ask, because often you get 10 different opinions from 10 different people.....sometimes i'm so afraid to say what we are doing with kael because of what people will think..will they judge me?? will they think i'm a bad mother?? and this community living thing, i feel it all the time, not from anyone else..it's like a voice in my head that says..do more, do better...but i just want to be honest.
like right now...we are trying to get to kael to go to sleep on his own...it's a hard thing foor us...he doesn't fall asleep on his own, he was on a schedule in wisconsin and he was taking 2-3 naps a day for at least an hour and was goign to bed earlier and would go down pretty easy but would wake up every hour wanting to be fed or just comforted...when we came back to scotland it got worse, he didn't handle the time change well..and neither did me and mike really.....but we are in more of a routine now..all of us, so he is waking up earlier ( the first few days he slept til 10, 1pm, and noon..) and he is taking three naps a day, one hour one in the morning, one 30-60min, and then another one for 1 -1 1/2 hrs....so that's better..but he's not going down easy, he screams, cries, tries to push himself away from me, cause he knows i'm going to feed him, then rock him to sleep....and he doesn't want to fall asleep , it's like he's fighting it really hard, but i know if i don't persist he'll just get fussier and crabbier..but he doesn't seem all that happier now that he's napping better.....not like he was just over a week ago....i dont know...so the question is..do we let him cry it out at night, are there other things we can try.....i read the no cry sleep solution, and another book that is for cry it out..i'm confused, so many differing opinions...it's hard when he cries not to think that i'm scarring him, but so many of my friends at home encouraged me to let him cry and that it is hard initially but it pays off soon, and they all struggled with it too...some had to leave the house cause it was too hard to hear....i just want to be a good mother, i want kael to know He can trust me, that I"m safe, but i also want him to sleep...and to be a happier kid like he was before..ahh....parenting is such a personal thing but i don't feel like i can do it on my own and i don't really want to...
and as i was thinking about people always giving advice, iwas thinking..i'm turning 27 soon, i know it's young, but it sounds kind of old to me, and will it ever stop....how old do i have to be before people think i might know something??
here's an older pic of us as well..me and my new glasses and kael looking not too happy..:) but he's cute even when he's not smiling...ooh i love him!!!
Jessi, your a great mom!!!! Im afraid too, even though Im not even a mom yet....what if I dont know what to do...but thats because Im a worrier. I have no advice to give you, thank God right?! The only thing I know is that my sister swears by the book healthy sleep happy baby. love ya Jessi!
My dear sweet Jessi:
There are seasons in life. "This too, shall pass..."
Be encouraged by the Word - read Ephesians 3:16-19 (it is my prayer for you today!)
I love and miss you! Keep fighting the good fight! (Who said it would be easy?) My love to Mike & Kael.
Always, Emilie
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