well....what a night. we were invited by our lovely friend andrea to go see this band ( this guy from manitoba that she went to school wtih ) him and his wife sing. .....so today we decided to venture out and go see this band....
so we find a parking spot...it's a little before 9pm..we walk up the stairs....the door is locked. But on the wall next to the door there is a sign that says..buzz here, or something like it....so we press the buzzer and this older man with a mustache opens the door very casually and polite and says 'you rang' and we are allowed entry. Then he asks how old we are, doesn't believe us and has to check all of our ID's one by one...although i'm not sure he checked andreas...but for sure he thought me, heather and jamie were all lying to him about our age.....he finally even puts his glasses on to check heather's ID. He finally believes we are of age..and we are the only ones there, the place looks deserted, there are about 3 to 4 'older' men there just drinking......were hoping that the band actually shows up...we're not sure about this place..it's called the Marine Club there are life preservers hanging everywhere ,it looks dusty and abandonded. ......but we are in for the adventure so jamie asks for a glass of wine and our host starts off with a story of going to the cellar looking through the cobwebs and the spiders and he does have red wine after all..he pours her a glass...the rest of us get

yeah thanks nice pic ;) and no i didn't draw that myself i got it off google images of course....
what a night
hey if you want me to take it off i can?? but i think it's fun.....
hey girl,
thanks for leaving comments for me...i love you so much!!!
i leave thailand on the 14th nov, so there's not long to go.
as for amsterdam in feb...if i'm still kicking around europe, i will DEFINITELY try to get over there!
stay in touch,
h. xx
seriously i think it was the funniest place. it was a fun time. thanks for sharing it with us! love you jessi.
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