living full lives...i was talking with my friend rachel tonight and she was sharing the words of a speaker yesterday who was saying if we live our lives to the fullest we will show God's glory..or something similar to that ( i can't remember exactly word for word) but i've been thinking about it all night. what would it look like if i lived my life to the fullest...what would it look like if i truly lived from my heart....what would be different about my life right now and what would be the same??? what inspires me? what brings me life? this week has been difficult for me, but i think God has been teaching me alot. one of the things i've been realizing is the need for connection with people other than my husband. i love mike and we are great friends as well as husband and wife, but i know that he does not fulfill all my relational needs. Firstly, i feel a desperation for God...i want to seek time with Him more...and as well as i need more connections with my girlfriends. There is something very different about sharing your feelings with your husband and sharing them with a girlfriend....and i think it's good to have both, but i've definitely been lacking in one of them lately. so that's something i'd like to change, as well as i need to just get off my butt and do more things that inspire me, for example beauty inspires me, beauty in nature, in people, in books, in life but lately i've been sick of the rain, don't want to walk in it (not even to my car) tired and just lazy at nights... i need to make more effort to 'do' things that bring me life....
and i need to figure out other the bigger picture how can i 'be' alive. not just 'do' things or have friends, but how can i truly 'be' alive?? i'm kind of rambling i know, but my thoughts are making their way out of my head at the moment basically i need to be filled with life by the creator, right?? HE is the most creative. He is Life. And so i long for Him to speak to me, to whisper to me His truth, for His words to call me to life again. A long time ago me and jamie wrote a song called 'wake up' and lately those words i feel are calling to me again...Wake up....wake up o sleeper..i feel like i've been sleeping for awhile and i want to wake up so badly....i want God to call me to LIFE. Real Life. A Full life. i want to be the sleeping beauty that is sought after and fought for and i want to wake up.
Funny...on Sunday the pastor spoke on Lazarus - and I was remembering the days when you and me and Jamie, and others, were "melting" etc. into different Tableaus with John for the Wake tour.
You carry life girl! so Life is with you.
And I love being around you too, because of the life you carry. It inspires me.
How's that for changing the world?
inspiring words jessi. thanks for being so vulnerable you do live out of the beauty that you are. thank you for sharing your heart.
maybe we need to melt again, that might help ;)
I love you babe! you are my beauty ;)
just want to let you know that i miss and love you loads!
keep blogging your beautiful thoughts.
h. xx
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