well today is thanksgiving, but in Canada it is not..so today we still met as an outreach team and today was quite the day. We knew we were going out today to meet people, give out free bread and offer free prayer to people. So we spent quite awhile praying for each other and praying for the day..and then we headed out onto the streets....and ...well, it's just so hard to explain in a blog. We were in pairs, me and jamie were going up and down Commercial Dr with the intention of giving away free bread and seeing if we could talk to anyone..and we ended up talking to this one guy for a long time..he told us he was 'the devil's son' ......we talked with him for a long time..and then we went back to the park for safety...and joined the other groups there and all of our groups had crazy stories, i can't even explain, but near the ened we knew we had to get off the streets, we had to go back and pray and 'debrief' the day. It was encouraging in a way because it seemed that someone did not want us out there and it was

p.s. that picture of me is in turkey but i thought it appropriate since i feel like i ate soo much today!
hey, I whats up the anatomically correct gremlin thing? ha ha. cool about your day in teh streets, even though it was weird, makes one more determined though, eh?
i did'n't notice that at all..
yeah whats with the gremlin? is that his belly button???
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