tomorrow we leave for Louisiana....mike's mum is getting married this saturday. So, mike will be walking her down the aisle and giving her away. i am not looking forward to the heat of louisiana, i plan on drinking of lots of water, eating lots of ice and sitting inside air conditioning as much as possible.....
so i think most of my posts lately have been just 'i did this' and 'this happened' not many thoughts..
but to be honest most of my thoughts these days rotate around having a baby. it seems like since the wedding is over it's so close now that the baby is coming. i feel almost unprepared. i'm not scared of giving birth, i'm not afraid of the labor part. I'm just so unsure what it will be like, to have a baby. to have a little one that you are responsible for. i just can't imagine. i want my next big project to be to get the baby's room ready. it's not even a baby's room yet, i want to buy a crib, and a dresser, all of the baby stuff i do have is in storage right now..well, it's in boxes. so i'd like to be able to unpack his clothes and put his things in his room......and i think once that's done i'll feel a little better. and there are just things we still need to get...and we need to get the home birthing supplies as well...
i feel like it's been an amazing journey though...this whole process of becoming a parent, that's why it takes 10 months......because it's such an emotional and mental adjustment, when you are first pregnant of course you are excited but it's kind of surreal cause you really have no idea, and now that i'm bigger and he moves so much and we feel like we're attached to him already, we are more and more excited to meet him. both me and mike. we're excited to meet him but i'm also wanting to enjoy these last weeks before he comes. to get ready for him, both his room and us as parents. of course there are ups and downs, but i know God is with me in all of this. He is definitely with those are my thoughts lately...
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