k, so i'm in 'getting ready' mode. i'm not sure who even reads my blog, i know of course a few people do..but whether you are near or far away, i'm going to tell you how anyone can help me in these last few weeks before the baby is born. i feel like i just need to ask for help with a few things:
SO, of course there are always the 'things' material that i need, but there are a few other things as well that i wouldn't mind some help with, if somone has time or knows someone else who has time.
1. scrapbooking...i have been wanting to make a scrapbook of me and mike's wedding, and our first year together ( since we traveled to a few places..i thought it'd be fun to make one scrapbook of our first year...
why i need help with this is because i am good at collecting stuff and i have saved all kinds of stuff but i need someone to just help me get going, to get the pages made and put the pictures in, i have it all spread over my dining room table but i can't seem to get it going, so if there is someone decisive and creative who wouldn't mind helping me, please let me know.
2. i am in need of old sheets/towels...because it's a home birth if i want to have the baby in the bed, of course there will be lots of fluids and since me and mike only just bought a set of sheets for our bed, we need some old ones we can use for when i give birth, or old towels that can be used( we don't have any 'old' stuff because we barely have enough new stuff..:) i might end up just going to value village but that kind of grosses me out. so if you know anyone with old sheets/towels that we can have that would awesome.
3. let's see......if anyone is wanting to help out really practically we are in need of some basic things that we would like to have for when the baby is born and directly after let us know , i definitely won't list them, but you can always email me and ask or if you have something in mind, just ask us, because we might just need something you are wanting to get rid of. ( like a rocking/glider chair) otherwise we are in need of some more expensive items still that if anyone wants to donate money towards we wouldnt say no either.
4. a video camera.....we were hoping to buy one, but there are just too many other expenses for this baby and so if anyone has a vide camera they would be willing to let us borrow for the next month (since we could have this baby any day or not for weeks) that would be really cool.
of course a bit closer as well, i'll be needing to do lots of laundry ( i have to wash all the baby clothes i have.,,) so if someone likes doing laundry and wants to hang out that would be fun as well. i don't have a dresser yet so i won't be doing the laundry until i get a dresser.
so now i feel a bit funny just having been so honest with you all, and i hope that i'm not whining or coming across as 'pathetic' i just wanted to ask for help and let my friends and family know how they can help. because i think everyone loves a baby and there is no pressure to help, it just seems like people want to help, so i'm giving the opporunity ...this is definitey not a demand. okay enough rambling.....this baby is coming so soon....today i'm going to go get some of the birth supplies we need...so i feel a little more relaxed knowing we are a bit more prepared. hope you are all having a great day.
hey thomas wish i could be there to help! I'm sure there will still be lots to do when i get home. See you soon - love you!
jessi. i read your blog every couple days. just so you know. i feel bad not being able to help either...or i'd be all over that scrapbooking. keep writing...i love reading. lea
aww jessi, i can't believe its getting so close to the arrival of your new one. its exciting! i'd love to be able to help, but i am sitting in phuket (thailand) right now and will be here for the next month so i don't think i'll be able to pop over anytime soon. shame, would've loved to catch up over a cup of coffee. hope you're doing well & hanging in there.
much love,
heidi x
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