i've been meaning to post for days, but everytime i sit down and try to write nothing comes out. right now it's 530 am....couldn't sleep cause my stomach hurt and i was hungry, so i got up to have some oatmeal crisp and then head back to sleep....there is actually a thunderstorm here in vancouver right now too..it's kind of soothing, i miss thunderstorms alot. my thoughts are still constantly around having this baby, i feel as if it's the only thing i think about. some days this week were pretty hard, i felt overwhelmed and like i have so much to do...and then i've had some good days where i just don't worry about it...but this morning laying in bed and my stomach hurting, i guess sometimes it just hits me that ths baby could really come anytime and i'm really not ready. not just emotionally, i think emotionally i'm ready, but physically i am not ready. like, we haven't bought diapers yet, or i don't even have the birthing pool and i want to have a water birth.....i guess that's where my trust in God comes into play...i have to trust that he'll help keep labor off a few more days so i can get myself organized and actually be ready to have this baby. it's still so mind blowing that there is a little baby living inside me, that i will be responsible for, he will look like me and mike and will forever be in our hearts. it's all kind of incredible. a miracle......that's why that call it a miracle. God amazes me more and more....how could someone not think there is a God, when the way we are created is miraculous and it happens everyday...everyday women all over the world are giving birth....and it's amazing.
well...those are my thoughts for now.....if anyone still wants to help with the things from the last post, please let me know and please come by. i'm going back to sleep now.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
getting ready
k, so i'm in 'getting ready' mode. i'm not sure who even reads my blog, i know of course a few people do..but whether you are near or far away, i'm going to tell you how anyone can help me in these last few weeks before the baby is born. i feel like i just need to ask for help with a few things:
SO, of course there are always the 'things' material that i need, but there are a few other things as well that i wouldn't mind some help with, if somone has time or knows someone else who has time.
1. scrapbooking...i have been wanting to make a scrapbook of me and mike's wedding, and our first year together ( since we traveled to a few places..i thought it'd be fun to make one scrapbook of our first year...
why i need help with this is because i am good at collecting stuff and i have saved all kinds of stuff but i need someone to just help me get going, to get the pages made and put the pictures in, i have it all spread over my dining room table but i can't seem to get it going, so if there is someone decisive and creative who wouldn't mind helping me, please let me know.
2. i am in need of old sheets/towels...because it's a home birth if i want to have the baby in the bed, of course there will be lots of fluids and since me and mike only just bought a set of sheets for our bed, we need some old ones we can use for when i give birth, or old towels that can be used( we don't have any 'old' stuff because we barely have enough new stuff..:) i might end up just going to value village but that kind of grosses me out. so if you know anyone with old sheets/towels that we can have that would awesome.
3. let's see......if anyone is wanting to help out really practically we are in need of some basic things that we would like to have for when the baby is born and directly after let us know , i definitely won't list them, but you can always email me and ask or if you have something in mind, just ask us, because we might just need something you are wanting to get rid of. ( like a rocking/glider chair) otherwise we are in need of some more expensive items still that if anyone wants to donate money towards we wouldnt say no either.
4. a video camera.....we were hoping to buy one, but there are just too many other expenses for this baby and so if anyone has a vide camera they would be willing to let us borrow for the next month (since we could have this baby any day or not for weeks) that would be really cool.
of course a bit closer as well, i'll be needing to do lots of laundry ( i have to wash all the baby clothes i have.,,) so if someone likes doing laundry and wants to hang out that would be fun as well. i don't have a dresser yet so i won't be doing the laundry until i get a dresser.
so now i feel a bit funny just having been so honest with you all, and i hope that i'm not whining or coming across as 'pathetic' i just wanted to ask for help and let my friends and family know how they can help. because i think everyone loves a baby and there is no pressure to help, it just seems like people want to help, so i'm giving the opporunity ...this is definitey not a demand. okay enough rambling.....this baby is coming so soon....today i'm going to go get some of the birth supplies we need...so i feel a little more relaxed knowing we are a bit more prepared. hope you are all having a great day.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
i at least was able to sleep in...the heat didn't wake me up. and then for some reason i was a bit ambitious and thought i could try and go all over to garage sales....so i took a shower, had my list of addresses and started out....but after being out there for not very long realized that it's way too hot and too much energy for me to be walking around and getting in and out of the van. so i came home and am just trying to stay cool, drink lots of water. So i've been watching oprah dvd's and reading, and it's interesting. i'm reading this book called 'the living end' about a woman who's husband wrote a list of 'while i live, i want to.....' and then shortly after he dies. so she decides to do everything on the list. Also, the few oprah shows i watched had stories about amazing people, but of course the sad part is that alot of these people died. So of course i am fitting the stereotype of pregnant woman by crying at all these sad and yet beautiful stories. I think that i have this fear in my life of not really living....i know that the thing i want the most is for my life to count for something, i want to really impact people i interact with, i want to truly live...but today i feel compelled to just enjoy life as well and not be so caught up in 'missing out' that i don't just enjoy today. today i haven't done anythign 'productive' but i've definitely enjoyed just relaxing, reading, watching oprah, thinking...and not so worried about the 'big' things.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
so, i've decided i'm going to take these last 4 weeks and try to relax as much as possible. i finally feel like mentally i can rest. just a few weeks ago i felt so overwhelmed that i wasn't resting much at all but now i feel like i can take a bit slower and easier, yesterday we stopped by the library and i got out 4 fiction books and i plan on reading them all. i like making decaf ice-tea and eating ice and just relaxing. for me too i realized that i have this desire to 'figure it all out' before the baby comes and to make a plan, but i will just not be able to figure it all out, so i'm going to keep pursuing God...keep asking Him to reveal 'more' to me. and keep exploring my options as far as developing my strengths...( i'm seriously wondering how it would be possible for me to go to school part time for psychology/counseling and have a baby) and see how it all unfolds i guess......this weekend mike is away, so i'm looking forward to the time alone. i know it will be my last before our life takes on a whole different direction and i'm glad for the change, but i will enjoy the time to read and relax and reflect on the ways God is speaking and moving right now.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
With our church Interns and myself, mike, kyle and kristin took these strength finder tests. So, after i read that bible verse the other day about knowing yourself and knowing the work you've been given, i finally took my test and theses are the synposis of my 'strengths'
people who are especially talented in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activitiy. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.
have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few doincidences and that almost every event has a reason
are best described by the serious care they take in making decisions or choices. They anticipate the obstacles
have a craving to know more. often they like to collelct and archive all kinds of information
take psychological ownership of what they say they will do. They are commited to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.
so it's interesting..part of me thinks these things aren't strengths, that they are more 'personality' things...but the test also gives you action points on how to use these strengths in your life. so that's what i need to go through ..figuring out how these are strengths in my life, or how to 'use' them. i definitely see how they are true. (i have longer descriptions of all of them that make more sense....but i didn't want to bore anyone.)
just imagine if everyone operated in their strengths, we would probably accomplish alot more in our lives.
people who are especially talented in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activitiy. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.
have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few doincidences and that almost every event has a reason
are best described by the serious care they take in making decisions or choices. They anticipate the obstacles
have a craving to know more. often they like to collelct and archive all kinds of information
take psychological ownership of what they say they will do. They are commited to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.
so it's interesting..part of me thinks these things aren't strengths, that they are more 'personality' things...but the test also gives you action points on how to use these strengths in your life. so that's what i need to go through ..figuring out how these are strengths in my life, or how to 'use' them. i definitely see how they are true. (i have longer descriptions of all of them that make more sense....but i didn't want to bore anyone.)
just imagine if everyone operated in their strengths, we would probably accomplish alot more in our lives.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
live life creatively

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Dont' be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.
that's from galations.....and i feel like it's for me, and maybe lots of other people too.
Friday, July 14, 2006
can't sleep
it's 5 am and i have been awake for over an hour, i'm exhausted, my body aches and all i want to do is to crawl into bed and be able to drift off into a restful sleep....the problem is when i was in bed i was also exhausted and tossing and turning, so i've been cleaning out my email box and just hoping i'll get so tired that i can just crawl back into bed and sleep with no problems. it's now less than 5 weeks til we meet our baby. i'm feeling more ready although i was talking with someone last night who said, you never feel ready and i guess that made me feel better..i think more and more though i have been thinking about life and what i want my life to look like, and how is going to change now that we are going to have a baby....but ultimately some things are still the same, and i can't put my life on complete hold while having children, otherwise i wouldn't do anything for years and years. so i'm hoping to find a balance and to find time to keep pursueing things i feel God has put in my heart....i'm wondering if it is possible to actually go to school part time while being a mother, maybe not right away but eventually. i think i would like to get some further training to keep pursueing the kind of ministry i'd really like to do. i've had some interesting thoughts lately as well, i wonder what it owuld be like to be a odula, and if that is somethign i would like to do. i'm curious at least about it. after writing just this little bit i'm even more tired than i was when i started so i think i'll try and get back into my lovely bed and see if sleep will take over my body. hope you all had better rest than i've had so far. goodmorning and goodnight.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
less than 6 weeks
since being in louisiana...i've had all these dreams about having the baby, and going into labor and baby bedding...i think i've been scared that for some reason i'll go into labor while i'm here, but now that our trip is ending i'm feeling better. Today is the big day of Linda's wedding (mike's mom) and so we're kind of getting ready but there isn't that much to do.....we'll have the wedding at 6pm....and then tomorrow we all fly out. Linda on her honeymoon, Lisa back to scotland and me and mike back to Canada.
And i've been realizing that the day of the baby arriving is coming soon. Less than 6 weeks...pretty soon it'll be a month, than less than a month....all so fast. anyways, this has all become about babies..obviously it's a big thing on my mind. I"m also trying to figure out what i'll want after i have the baby....willi want to be involved in ministry as much as i was? willi want to take a full maternity leave for 6 months?? i just will have no idea how i will feel about anything, i think that's one of the hardest things in 'preparing' is that sometimes you can't do much but wait and see how you feel. so i guess those are my thoughts lately.
And i've been realizing that the day of the baby arriving is coming soon. Less than 6 weeks...pretty soon it'll be a month, than less than a month....all so fast. anyways, this has all become about babies..obviously it's a big thing on my mind. I"m also trying to figure out what i'll want after i have the baby....willi want to be involved in ministry as much as i was? willi want to take a full maternity leave for 6 months?? i just will have no idea how i will feel about anything, i think that's one of the hardest things in 'preparing' is that sometimes you can't do much but wait and see how you feel. so i guess those are my thoughts lately.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
just some thoughts
tomorrow we leave for Louisiana....mike's mum is getting married this saturday. So, mike will be walking her down the aisle and giving her away. i am not looking forward to the heat of louisiana, i plan on drinking of lots of water, eating lots of ice and sitting inside air conditioning as much as possible.....
so i think most of my posts lately have been just 'i did this' and 'this happened' not many thoughts..
but to be honest most of my thoughts these days rotate around having a baby. it seems like since the wedding is over it's so close now that the baby is coming. i feel almost unprepared. i'm not scared of giving birth, i'm not afraid of the labor part. I'm just so unsure what it will be like, to have a baby. to have a little one that you are responsible for. i just can't imagine. i want my next big project to be to get the baby's room ready. it's not even a baby's room yet, i want to buy a crib, and a dresser, all of the baby stuff i do have is in storage right now..well, it's in boxes. so i'd like to be able to unpack his clothes and put his things in his room......and i think once that's done i'll feel a little better. and there are just things we still need to get...and we need to get the home birthing supplies as well...
i feel like it's been an amazing journey though...this whole process of becoming a parent, that's why it takes 10 months......because it's such an emotional and mental adjustment, when you are first pregnant of course you are excited but it's kind of surreal cause you really have no idea, and now that i'm bigger and he moves so much and we feel like we're attached to him already, we are more and more excited to meet him. both me and mike. we're excited to meet him but i'm also wanting to enjoy these last weeks before he comes. to get ready for him, both his room and us as parents. of course there are ups and downs, but i know God is with me in all of this. He is definitely with me......so those are my thoughts lately...
Saturday, July 01, 2006
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