K, so here i am again. not too bad...less than a week. So, i thought i'd just let you know what is actually going on in my life currently. Owen is 2. He just turned 2 about a week ago, he's very little for his age but very social, funny, smart, is talking alot and makes me laugh all the time. Kael is 4, and i still can't believe he is already 4. He is also smart ( who doesn't think their kid is smart) He's particular..He's a little shy if he doesn't know you at first. He's sneaky and right now both kids are really into pretending with food and i love it. Mike found them a great little play kitchen and so grandma has been sending up packages of 'food' and they just think it's great. Owen pretends to actually eat the food..
so that's being a mom. and i'm still soo grateful to be a stay at home mom. Sometimes i feel guilty that my life consists of play dates and hanging out with my kids, but i wouldn't want to give up that time to anyone else.
But I am getting to do more now that doesn't involve my kids and i'm really excited. There two things in particular that i've been more involved in.
1. is a ministry called Restoring the foundations
I was actually trained to do what is called Issue Focused Ministry with people, and I completed my training last summer and have been doing some ministry here and there. Well now my friend Colleen has also finished her training for the issue focused, so now i have a consistent partner and so we have been doing more ministry together and it has been so exciting.
What you do is you meet with someone for a session and you pray through 4 different areas. And it's amazing How God knows exactly where they need healing, where to go and How he brings that truth and healing into their lives, it's a privilege to get to see that first hand, and it isn't 'us' bringing the healing. It is God but it is very cool to be used by Him to facilitate that healing.
2. and the one other is new. I am in the process of getting my Doula Certification. I've just started I'm reading the books now and I will be attending my Doula workshop in November and i even have been asked by my sister in law to be her doula!! So i am sooo excited and honored that they asked me. I get to be there when my nephew will be born.
so...that is kind of a little more of what's going on in my life.
Mike and I are doing well and we just had our 6 year anniversary and we are growing and still getting to know each other and learning how to be more loving and to work as a team. I'm so grateful that He is not content to keep life as it is but we both strive to really see what God is up to and to go where He directs.
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