So...it's been awhile. i'm not sure if i have any readers anymore and i'm not even sure i want to keep blogging. it's fading......but i thought maybe i'd do another post and see if anyone is reading..
this is what i've been up to....hhmmm....two boys keep you busy. owen is a very easy baby though, easy and smiley, so fun. i'm loving having a baby again, sometimes i just hold him and smell him and just love being his mum.
kael is into everything and so funny, he loves to brush his teeth, although i'm pretty sure it's the toothpaste he loves more than the brushing. ( don't worry i don't let him eat it) and his new thing is using little chairs..he hauls them all over the house to help him get onto the counter of his choice to get whatever it is he's wanting...vitamins, cookies, toast....toothpaste, and the hand soap is now kept in the cupboard as well as he likes to 'wash' his hands.
i've been sewing, i've finished two baby quilts, one for a friend and one for kael. Thomas and then a girl one. also some smaller projects, like a curtain, pillow, small baby blanket, i even hemmed a pair of pants,
i'm still unpacking my house,
connecting with old friends, and making new ones. i'm going a small group on the book Captivating and my two dear friends Shelley and Mary are in my small group as well as other friends in the big group
i am taking a small course that my mom is leading with her friend Diane. they are both trained in a ministry called Restoring the Foundations, which incorporates a few different counseling/ministry/prayer things and i'm attending training so that i can do short ministry sessions with people on specific issues. and so i've attended one seminar and plan on finishing the next seminar next week. it's lots of reading and then three days of teaching and training.
Also some of you know me and mike have our own business and things are really going well and taking off. We are excited about it
So, that's what i've been up to. the baby is now awake so i should go get him
I read Jessi! I have your feed on bloglines...glad you updated- would love to see some pictures of your growing boys.
I'm reading..but then I have an application that tells me who just updated their blog and of course I havent been doing to well at keep up with mine too....
me too! if you post, it shows up on my homepage so I have no choice but to read :) glad to hear an update!
you give me hope, jessi! 2 boys and you're still able to blog. maybe one day i'll find the time to start. and i only have one boy. what a shame! love the updates!
me too! I love seeing the pics and hearing how you are doing - even if it's just a snippet - seriously when do you find time to do all your sewing!?? Hey can you tell me more about this business you guys are doing? I'm interested....and I love you too - Owen is soooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im still reading!! cant believe how big the boys are getting!!
glad to hear whats going on with you all!
take care,
lots of love,
rach x x x
I read too :)
It's nice to see what you guys are up to!
hey girl, i keep checking and you posted! yeah!!! i am craving turtle scones...mail me one k?!
hay jessi. Its lexi, the boys are so cut and I miss you all. you can email me at lexis_reid@yahoo.com
kay love ya.♥
Owen is such a cutie! it's fun to see pics of him and Kael.
i'm so happy you posted, i've been checking back to see news. your boys are gorgeous. eleanor is all BOUT toothpaste eating and moving little chairs to get what she wants too!
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