Hi devoted readers of Jessi's blog. Mike here writing a post dictated by Jessi...currently in a hospital bed feeding our wonderful new son, Owen Thomas Oates.
Labor started on friday around 12:30pm. After 2 hrs the contractions went from 5mins apart to 1.5 mins apart. When I arrived at the hospital I was 7cm dilated. Contractions became more intense, my water broke and then the doctors expressed concern about the babies heart rate and wouldn't let me move around. I had to stay laying on my right side. After 2 hours of very intense contractions. (mike's hand bare the marks to verify) (jessi talking now...) i got to 8cm, but the baby did not seem to be doing that great. So they suggested an emergency C-section, which i said was fine because i felt they weren't overreacting but were genuinely concerned. So, i was rushed into the operating room, where i was completely put under ( Mike was not allowed in the room either, as it was a rush/emergency c-section not just a routine one) i was out and woke up later in the recovery room pretty out of it, to find out that the umbilical cord was wrapped around Owen's neck three times and therefore if i had tried to push him out vaginally he probably wouldn't made it. so, in this case i am grateful for the C-section, although it is not what i would've chosen, in cases like these where they save little lives i was happy to have my healthy baby boy in my arms. So,
Owen Thomas Oates is the newest member of our family. Weighed 7lbs 6oz. Born on October 17th, 2008.
i'm in lots of pain, but in love with my little boy. And Owen is feeding and sleeping well.......and i think i'll take a nap now.
Jessi Praise God!! Congratulations!! I know its not how you dreamed it but at the end of the day all that matters is that you guys are safe. He's beautiful (and I love the name)
how wonderful to have sweet little Owen in the world! Congratulations!
I'm so happy everyone is healthy!
Congratulations Jessi (and family)
I have to say I love, love love the name Owen...it's strong, yet gentle. It's beautiful.
I'm so happy that you are both safe..I know I all ready wrote this in facebook, but I'm so excited for you and I love the picture, I can't wait to see him at Christmas!!!
Praying for you lots..Josh and I are so happy for you all.
I am so proud of you jessi! Owen is so cute!! you also look very beautiful in the pic!!
can't wait to talk to you soon!
love you, audge
what a cutie!! congratulations jessi and mike! so happy for you guys!
love rach x x x
congratulations jessi! i must say you have the cutest baby ever!!
yyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! CONGRATS! so excited for you guys and little owen and big brother Kael too.
DIdn't you want to wait 1 more day and have Owen on Leigh's birthday? LOL! Glad that both you and he are safe and doing well.
YOu are beautiful!
My lovely and beautiful friend now has another beautiful little boy. Praising God that things went okay, though I know not what you guys wanted. And Mike, I will pray for your hand to heal quickly, you deserve some credit, you know?! :)
A HUGE CONGRATS & I'm sorry to hear about all the dramas but very glad it ended so well. Rest up my dear! x
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