wow, i can't believe that i am 30 weeks already!!! that means this baby is coming soon. He's moving more and more and i can tell he still has room to do flips cause sometimes i can feel his whole body moving around. it's exciting. it's so hard to imagine another baby that isn't kael. And all of the sudden ( i think now that we've stopped traveling) I'm in nesting mode. I want to get the house organized, i want to get all the baby stuff we need. (because we moved countries alot when kael was little sometimes i just bought and sold some of his stuff in scotland so there are things i'd like again. So, i'm on the hunt for baby things ( today there is a big sale at Babies R Us i'm headed too) And i'm trying to get the house organized (stuff unpacked that we hadn't unpacked yet) and try to figure out where to put all the new babies i need a new dresser etc. so that's what i've been up to lately.
i haven't worked all week and it's great. I only really have a few more days of work and then i'm done!!! And that is exciting. This week has been great to just spend time with kael, and mike. Mike has started a new job (kind of) it's still working for his dad, but now he takes calls from customers and so he has to work a British work day so he now starts at 3 am and works until 11 am. Mike sitll has to adjust to the time schedule but I'm loving it. I get up with kael, make us all breakfast, mike has his 'lunch' then so he eats with us too...and then i spend the morning with kael and mike's done at 11am (once in awhile 12pm) and then we all take a nap together and have the rest of our day.
I am enjoying it alot!!! And soon we will meet this new member of our family. crazy!!!! and exciting!!!!
great pics! can't believe number 2 is on their way? Do you think you are having a girl or a boy?
jessi, kael is sooooo cute!
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