well, i'm not sure if you'd really call them musings... right now as i speak kael is dumping lots and lots of crumbs on the floor from the muffin he didn't eat. one thing i'm so sick of is our dirty floor, and it takes me forever to sweep and then kael no time at all to make sure there are crumbs and food all over it again.
what i want right now is to sit with a hot cup of tea and a yummy muffin and read. without interruption, without me needing to get up and do anything unless it's something i want to do.
i'm reading the book called giving birth.
I had an appointment with a midwife on monday to discuss my options for a VBAC.
.....ok that was a few days ago. it's friday night. my floor is still dirty. i just watched the movie/documentary " The Business of Being Born' and i recommend it to anyone having a baby or interested in the whole idea of midwives vs doctors. Very very interesting movie. it makes me so want to have a homebirth. It is very similiar in it's views to a book i'm reading currently 'Giving Birth'
so....more days later......i miss having friends. feeling pretty lonely lately. and i want someone to cook a homestyle meal for me. roast beef and gravy or something. that's all for now. this post isn't really about much....
well, even tho it took a few days for you to write it, you did it! YAY! As for a dirty floor...i don't even have a child and my floor is dirty all the time. i mean, i have a dog and a husband. the dog licks up any stray food but we have pebbles all over the floor plus dog hair galore! it's all over EVERYTHING!!!!! so i know how you feel. good to hear from you again.
is your address the same as on mikes facebook?? i hope so!
if not, please let me have your new one!
love you lots!
x x x
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