well...we got back on friday night from our week at the lake. Lake michigan that is. it was great. we were in ahouse right on the lake, so every morning, we took beach walks, sometimes just me and mike and sometimes me, mike and kael. kael got to play in the sand alot, (although it was cold so sometimes he had on a hat, and lots of layers) but he liked the sand and would throw it all over us. he also met my relatives for the first time, my aunt penny, aunt kelly, my grandma, and my cousins, brian, lexie and brendan...and he loved them all, He especially loved my aunt kelly's dog, angus. he really is a people person/baby...:) he loves being around people and he's ecome even more animated lately, smiling and laughing so much. he's soo fun. i love the little person that he is. he's such a little character, and has so much personality.
i'll have to post pics later cause we forgot our camera so we'll have to get my dad to email them to me. anyways....that's all for now. i don't work until tuesday so i'm enjoying my 'vacation' still.
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