27 is kind of a weird age. it seems alot older than 26, it definitely feels closer to 30. and i was thinking..what have i done with my life?? i am married and i do have a kid..so that is something...ut it's not like you can really set out to accomplish those things..either you find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with or you dont'..and once you find them, you actually take the plunge....and having a kid...well, that was hard work and still is...but so worth it. my first birthday as a mom...:) kind of funny..he was pretty good, i even got a card from him ( of course he doesn't know that....and mike wrote in it..but sweet none the less) we spend the day in glasgow,...nice to get out of here for awhile.....sent to starbucks..so yummy and such a treat...and mike ran into a guy he went to morocco with..that was fun. and let's see.....he's out getting a movie for us right now, as little kael is sleeping...we are just spending the evening in..having yummy treats and relaxing..kael is already sleeping so that's nice. i got some nice cards from people..no presnts though...my mom's package didn't come.....and mike is just giving me money cause he was goign to buy me a nice watch but our budget is a bit tight and scotland isn;'t that cheap.....so you know, but i have some cash to buy something i want..i just don't know what i want....anyways.....birthdays for me are always a little bit of happiness and dread all mixed in one.....i feel like somethign must've happened to me at some pont in my life because my biggest fear and disappointment is being forgotten or feeling not important.....i knew i wasn't anything this year though, and i tried to really not let things get to me.i just wanted to enjoy the day..and for the most part i did, there was one little thing that got to me and i cried but i'm not letting it take over my day. or my night. as a mother it's weird to think that on this day 27 years ago my mother gave birth to me, not just me, but that she went through labor..:) it really is miracle giving birth and life and God is amazing really. ( my mom only had about 4 hrs of labor as oppossed to my 39 or something..lucky her) anyways....thanks mom for giving birth, thanks for choosing to have me, when others did not keep theirs, thanks for loving me then and now and i know you will love me always..i appreciate you in more ways than ever now that i have a baby. and thanks for loving my child....and dad. thanks to you too, i woudn't be here without either one of you..:) well my dear friends and family..i miss you today.
miss you too. just didn't know it was your birthday cuz you never wrote back telling me it was your bday ;) hope all is well. your pic on today's post is beautiful. you are definately gorgeous at 27.
yeah ... 27 is a trip. i had a dream about you guys the other day - i have been thinking about you a lot.
miss you.
happy late birthday jessi [sorry i missed it]! i love you loads and loads.
h. xx
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