hello all. well, i've just had almost a whole week of visitors....so that definitely makes the time go by faster but more important than that..i get to see people i love and care about. Last weekend our friends Rodney and Eva came down with their adoreable little girl Abby....she's 9 months old and i can't believe how much she's moving around, she tries to put everything in her mouth...everything...she was touching our toes and licking people's shoes..trying to put my slippers in her mouth....she's so cute..
and of course we loved hanging out with our friends.....and then on monday my friend from norway, (that i met in mexico) Franziska came....and it was so nice to be able to see her, to hear how she is doing, to hear her heart....we went to the sea and hada little bit of time there before the rain came pouring down on us...it was a great adventure trying to find our way around the little back roads of Scotland...but we managed and had a wonderful time..
now it's me and kael again. and mike of course...and this weekend, we are planning on doing nothing but vegging...me and mike and kaell.....watching movies, eating...and relaxing.....
so i hope you enjoy your weekend as well.....
hey woah.. that top picture kinda caught me off gaurd... hope you and mike havent been soaked in radioactive material!!!!! heehee jk jk..... hope you we're able to have some sort of thanksgiving.... nancy
hey miss you and hope you are enjoying your week, sounds fun watching movies, eating, and relaxing...Kael is soooo cute...WOW!!
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