Well our little guy is quite the eater, he has already gained alot of weight..means he's healthy...the midwife came to see both of us today and she thinks we're doing great. He looks healthy, my incision is healing well. we're doing well as a family. still tired though...adjusting to littler amounts of sleep....and i'm pretty much a homebody..and since we've had lots of visitors it's wearing me out..so if your one of those in town still waiting to see us and we don't return your phone calls or tell you not today, please do not take it personal.....we are very tired from all the visits....we have appreciated so much though everyone's attention and love and food....it means alot that we have such a great community of people here. we are still in awe of our little guy, he's too cute!!!
we think so at least. :)
that is a very sweet picture
oh, that is a great picture...i will meet Kael someday dont worry about that! love you...
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