i'm wondering if when i titled my blog a long time ago it became a prophecy or if that's just the way it has been..and the title is just fitting...you know??
our plans are more concrete now but have changed again...here is the plan right now....who knows things could change, but at least for now they seem pretty set...
so , we will still go to wisconsin for october....hang out with my parents...let my dad hang out with his new grandson for awhile....then wewill make scotland home for a little while...mike has been offered a job by his dad to set up an ebay store for him...so that will give us something to do, help us make a bit of money ( means i don't have to work ) and then we can apply for mike's visa while we are there....so we'll still be in wisconsin for christmas but we'll spend a few months in scotland, so after christmas we'll probably go back and once we get mike's visa, we'll come back and finally be ready to live in the states....
it's not exactly what we had in mind when we thought of leaving canada, but there are many positives and we are actually looking forward to it....
so we have two days left here, head for seattle, where i fly home and mike and his dad and wife drive all of our stuff back to wisconsin. so when i get home, i'll be picked up by my brother and dad and they'll get to hang out with kael, we are all looking forward to it.
here's some pics of jamie and kael hanging out....he looks so cool in his shades that mr and mrs church gave him.