no baby yet. i'm guessing people check my blog everyday just to see if we've had the baby yet.....i think it will be soon, but not yet.
so those of you who check mike's myspace thing and have read his blog, know that there are more changes than the baby coming in our lives......we are moving as well. i think it's funny that the title of my blog is ' are we there yet?' because it seems as if we are constantly on the move. We are now moving countries one more time....this time not across any oceans just across North America back to the MN/WI region of the world. Close to my parents, yet still in a city, not back to Tomahawk. Mike and I have been praying for some time about our life, and direction and with ywam and the church and everything here.....we really were seeking God and it seems as if He has been leading us to make thismove for al ittle while and now that we have it makes sense. We will be leaving ywam, and starting a new life really. It's scary and exciting all at once. It's definitely hard to know what life will be like with a new baby...but i'm actually it gives me alot of peace to think of moving closer to home while starting our new have my parents around and to be near my brother is kind of a relief. It amazes me too because we have this great place here in Vancouver and part of me has realizedc that God probably knew we were going to move but chose to bless us with this great place to be in together to prepare for our new life. To relax and enjoy each other before this baby and because i'm having a home's a place to feel comfortable in and am blessed that God gave us this place so that i could give birth's all amazing. This journey we are on. I'm so glad that I've got God..and i'm so grateful He gave me mike as well to go through all of this with......So, those are some of the other big changes ahead. We'll be making our way home by October that's all for now. so soon we'll be holding our new baby..yeah....
wow big news. we'll be close..only like 6or7 hours. our boys can play together.... can't wait to hear about the baby... yes checking every day! love you lots jessi.
sad to see you guys go permenantly, but Im glad that you have gotten a distinct direction. an exciting new chapter in your lives....
wow jessi thats crazy!!!! We need to talk!!! I think its going to be on the 12th, but thats tomorrow, so either the 12th or 18th... I just got back tonight from a very long but fun week on the river in Idaho...phew...
Love ya,
i guess august 15th..since i missed the post when everyone was guessing
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