Well..thanks to mike, we now have a place to live!! HE put an ad on Craigslist(following the suggestion of Rita) saying we were going to be new parents and we're having trouble finding a place to rent and so this lady responded and had him come look at her 3 bedroom place. and he fell in love with it, took lots of pictures to send to me so i could check it out. Called me, we talked about it , prayed about it, last sunday at church they prayed for us to get a great place! And the lady wanted to give it to us, but was hesitant...but she was a christian and prayed about it and felt as if it was for us, so then she wanted to talk to me on the phone since i couldn't meet her and she asked me lots of questions....and then later that day called mike and said it was ours!!!! so praise the Lord we finally have a place to live and mike got a great deal on couches yesterday. im' very excited to be able to go home to our very own place. i bought plates yesterday from target for our new house! So i'm still enjoying my time at home and its even nicer knowing i get to go to our 'home'
But God is doing somethign in me here, i feel as if i'm coming face to face with who i am and how God wants me to know who HE is and who He says i am...so it's sometimes hard, but it's so good.
yea yea yea! how exciting. so happy. where is this said new place? can't wait to see pics. so great.
Jessi, you almost made me cry. I'm so happy for you guys!s
hey jessi
nice to hear how things are going. I am really happy for you guys and i got too see your place from the outside - looks great!
see you soon,
miss you!
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