We are 'home' for now. Or our temporary home at least. We have arrived back in Vancouver after being gone for over 2 months and it's nice to be home, but it's also a reminder that we don't have a home right now. It's great to be able to stay with 'family' we are staying in Randy and Rita's guest room right now and it's definitely a blessing. I love being with this family, it makes me feel at least for a little while that i have a place to stay where we are welcome and can make ourselves at home. But you know it's not the same as having your own place, and i think just being married i really just want my own place even more. As well as i think because I'm pregnant i'm going to hit that nesting period soon wher ei just ant to make a home. I already feel like that is what i want more than anything right now, just to make a home, to have a place that is ours and to make it home. And it's been interesting because for a long time i have felt that God had promised me a house, but i wasn't sure when, where, what that meant. And again i have that sense that God wants us to believe in faith for a house of our own. It would take a miracle because in Vancouver houses are so expensive, but we feel we are to ask God in faith for a house and see what He does. So if you think of it, just pray for us that God would do what He wants and ask in faith with us that God will provide a house. We want to know that at the end God is going to get all the credit. But it's nice to be back in Vancouver and to see my friends.
its good to have you back jessi! i cant wait to catch up properly with you!!!
i am believing with you!
love you!
I'll be praying for you guys to be able to buy a house. If He wants it to happen it will, and what a cool story that will make!
Hey Jessi, glad you three made it back ok. I'll pray about that house. -Layne
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