Are we There Yet?
Monday, November 08, 2010
Blessings..... we are buying a new vehicle, well not new, but new to us. And we are paying Cash. Thanks to a gift from George and JO, as well as a great price from our friends who we are buying it from.
And we sold our Van and bought a cheaper van to replace it. which is an answer to prayer and it took a long time but God is faithful
We also are moving in less than 2 months now. And the place we are in was definitely a blessing from God, butour time was ending soon anyways and so God is so good that we didn't even to have to look at anything. WE were really hoping to be in a position to buy or build right now but though we are making progress on paying off our debt it wasn't as quick as we wanted. And so God has provided this house, it's beautiful house, it's not downgrading at all, but 'up-grading'. It will still be renting but it is the right move right now, it will allow us to live in great place and yet still be able to work towards paying off our debt and keep our focus on our business and what God has for our lives.
I feel right now that we are in the right place, we are standing in the river and we are moving towards the vision that God has given us for our lives, we have great hope for right now and for the future. God's favor is with us right now and I am so grateful for all the blessings so far and know that this is just the beginning. I am trusting Him to meet the other needs we have right now as well.
I leave for my Doula workshop on Thursday.
And Andy and Jenn are due in about 6 weeks now!! i am so excited to meet my nephew and I'm so excited to see what God has up His sleeve next....
Saturday, October 23, 2010
life ventures.....

K, so here i am again. not too bad...less than a week. So, i thought i'd just let you know what is actually going on in my life currently. Owen is 2. He just turned 2 about a week ago, he's very little for his age but very social, funny, smart, is talking alot and makes me laugh all the time. Kael is 4, and i still can't believe he is already 4. He is also smart ( who doesn't think their kid is smart) He's particular..He's a little shy if he doesn't know you at first. He's sneaky and right now both kids are really into pretending with food and i love it. Mike found them a great little play kitchen and so grandma has been sending up packages of 'food' and they just think it's great. Owen pretends to actually eat the food..
so that's being a mom. and i'm still soo grateful to be a stay at home mom. Sometimes i feel guilty that my life consists of play dates and hanging out with my kids, but i wouldn't want to give up that time to anyone else.
But I am getting to do more now that doesn't involve my kids and i'm really excited. There two things in particular that i've been more involved in.
1. is a ministry called Restoring the foundations
I was actually trained to do what is called Issue Focused Ministry with people, and I completed my training last summer and have been doing some ministry here and there. Well now my friend Colleen has also finished her training for the issue focused, so now i have a consistent partner and so we have been doing more ministry together and it has been so exciting.
What you do is you meet with someone for a session and you pray through 4 different areas. And it's amazing How God knows exactly where they need healing, where to go and How he brings that truth and healing into their lives, it's a privilege to get to see that first hand, and it isn't 'us' bringing the healing. It is God but it is very cool to be used by Him to facilitate that healing.
2. and the one other is new. I am in the process of getting my Doula Certification. I've just started I'm reading the books now and I will be attending my Doula workshop in November and i even have been asked by my sister in law to be her doula!! So i am sooo excited and honored that they asked me. I get to be there when my nephew will be born.
so...that is kind of a little more of what's going on in my life.
Mike and I are doing well and we just had our 6 year anniversary and we are growing and still getting to know each other and learning how to be more loving and to work as a team. I'm so grateful that He is not content to keep life as it is but we both strive to really see what God is up to and to go where He directs.
Monday, October 18, 2010's been awhile. I even started a blog post about a month ago, got most of it done even though it took me a long time and then somehow it disappeared. So i'm going to start again. Mike is away right now it's been 6 days and he comes home in another 3 or 4 days. I think it's the longest we've been apart in our 6 married years together. And even tho i cried alot yesterday ( which i really believe was lack of's alot taking care of 2 boys on your own ) and i wasn't getting much sleep cause of good things, like visiting with friends and family...but anyways....grandma's are God sent and my mom took the boys overnight. So today is a new day. I got to watch old Grey's re-runs last night til late and then still got to sleep in this morning. Woke up played guitar, started writing some songs...which i haven't really done in a long time. But God has been stirring me up to write songs again but today finally i started some. and it was fun and relaxing and they came easily. they aren't finished but i like them so far.
and i even got to run this morning, was a little hard but felt so good to run again. it's been a week....too long.
it's amazing what sleep can do for you! ( and the help of mom's)
so....i really don't have anything profound to say, just wanted to say something. Not even sure who i am writing this little boy, my baby just turned 2 yesterday. I can't believe it. and kael is 4 now, he's talking so much and getting so smart. I have been married 6 years, and i live in tomahawk. it's such a good fit for us, for our family and for me. I can't believe that i actually ran away from it, that we didn't trust God to know us better than we think we know ourselves. that's all i'm going to say for now....
Friday, May 22, 2009
so, when i was in high school i couldn't wait to get out of Tomahawk. seriously, i was just so ready to get out of here, sure i would never come back. i even thought when i visited why do people stay here, why do people want to live in tomahawk? it's so small and in the middle of nowhere, and to be honest, i judged people, i thought if they stayed here it meant that in their lives they were doing nothing and going nowhere......
and then i lived all over, well not all over, but i lived in vancouver for years and i LOVED living in the city, walking down commercial drive, getting a coffee, picking up fresh fruits and veggies for dinner and it costs me barely anything. i loved the music, the people, all the little shops.....all the coffee shops....that was probably my favorite part, you could see the mountains, take a short bus ride or sky train down to the ocean..lovely, it was lovely....
but we left canada and moved back to the states to madison, and i never loved madison, not at all. i made a great friend and so did kael and mike in our friends Katie, George and Georgie, and they were really the best thing that came out of madison, but nothing about the city itself left me satisfied..
and now we live in tomahawk again. And today i was just struck by the beauty of this place. the trees all around you, in our backyard we have birch trees, maple, lilac bushes, crab apple trees, apple trees and many plants's gorgeous. i sat in my back yard this morning and breastfed owen and no one could see me, the air was fresh and crisp and it was relaxing. now that i have kids and i'm in this place n my life this is the spot for us. ( i'm not saying we won't ever move) but I could make my mom dinner tonight to celebrate her birthday....kael could play outside today while i made dinner, the breeze is wonderful and i feel refreshed. and i feel also like i am a part of what is doing, that there is a place for me here. a spot to fill, where i am needed and where God will use me to reach people. i am sorry to anyone i judged for living in their small town, i love both city and country and right now , this is the place for me and my family and it's beautiful. the nature around me awakens something in me, let's me breathe deeper....feel closer to God. i love it here. and i never thought i'd say those words.
and then i lived all over, well not all over, but i lived in vancouver for years and i LOVED living in the city, walking down commercial drive, getting a coffee, picking up fresh fruits and veggies for dinner and it costs me barely anything. i loved the music, the people, all the little shops.....all the coffee shops....that was probably my favorite part, you could see the mountains, take a short bus ride or sky train down to the ocean..lovely, it was lovely....
but we left canada and moved back to the states to madison, and i never loved madison, not at all. i made a great friend and so did kael and mike in our friends Katie, George and Georgie, and they were really the best thing that came out of madison, but nothing about the city itself left me satisfied..
and now we live in tomahawk again. And today i was just struck by the beauty of this place. the trees all around you, in our backyard we have birch trees, maple, lilac bushes, crab apple trees, apple trees and many plants's gorgeous. i sat in my back yard this morning and breastfed owen and no one could see me, the air was fresh and crisp and it was relaxing. now that i have kids and i'm in this place n my life this is the spot for us. ( i'm not saying we won't ever move) but I could make my mom dinner tonight to celebrate her birthday....kael could play outside today while i made dinner, the breeze is wonderful and i feel refreshed. and i feel also like i am a part of what is doing, that there is a place for me here. a spot to fill, where i am needed and where God will use me to reach people. i am sorry to anyone i judged for living in their small town, i love both city and country and right now , this is the place for me and my family and it's beautiful. the nature around me awakens something in me, let's me breathe deeper....feel closer to God. i love it here. and i never thought i'd say those words.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
feeling good
i know i haven't blogged in awhile. But lately...
I have lost 10lbs We are eating healthy and feeling great.
I also am moving forward with our Restoring the Foundations, was able to pray with one person and another one interested.
I ate asparagus tonight for dinner from my own garden....soo yummy!!!! it is my favorite veggie.
Me and the boys play outside all the time and i love it.
last weekend i went garage sale-ing and got a great picnic table with benches or $5 and got a free table and chairs among other treasures. i love summer and spring. my backyard is turning green, things are beginning to bud, we have a blossom tree, and lots of other beautiful trees.
i love my kids and husband.
i have connected with an old friend and it's so awesome, we hang out every week now and she has a little girl that is afraid of my son...boy vs. girl
And our business is still going really well and i am so excited about it, we are making money and helping other people make money. that's me lately.......
I have lost 10lbs We are eating healthy and feeling great.
I also am moving forward with our Restoring the Foundations, was able to pray with one person and another one interested.
I ate asparagus tonight for dinner from my own garden....soo yummy!!!! it is my favorite veggie.
Me and the boys play outside all the time and i love it.
last weekend i went garage sale-ing and got a great picnic table with benches or $5 and got a free table and chairs among other treasures. i love summer and spring. my backyard is turning green, things are beginning to bud, we have a blossom tree, and lots of other beautiful trees.
i love my kids and husband.
i have connected with an old friend and it's so awesome, we hang out every week now and she has a little girl that is afraid of my son...boy vs. girl
And our business is still going really well and i am so excited about it, we are making money and helping other people make money. that's me lately.......
Monday, April 27, 2009
Most of us look at our days in the wrong way: We overexaggerate yesterday. We overestimate tomorrow. We underestimate today. The truth is that the most important day you will ever experience is today.
Make today your masterpiece.
Make today your masterpiece.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Grandma and Grandpa Bailey
My Mother-in-law and her husband were here last week visiting ( from louisiana) So i thought i'd post some pics of their time.
we had a great time with them and so did the boys....oh and there is a pic of the house we are renting right now. the outdoor pics are in the backyard as well, (except the barn door, that's at my parents)
We also had a dinner here and a fire one night cause my brother and his wife were in town, so it was all the family hanging out at our house and we loved it!!! especially being the only with kids we were able to put them to sleep and enjoy the fire until late at night.

we had a great time with them and so did the boys....oh and there is a pic of the house we are renting right now. the outdoor pics are in the backyard as well, (except the barn door, that's at my parents)
We also had a dinner here and a fire one night cause my brother and his wife were in town, so it was all the family hanging out at our house and we loved it!!! especially being the only with kids we were able to put them to sleep and enjoy the fire until late at night.

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