So today was a little more 'real'. i felt a little more stressed and frustrated that i couldn't get much done with two boys. Everytime i put down Owen this morning he seemed to only last about 5-10 minutes before waking up and crying, and every time i tried to feed owen, Kael seemed to want to climb right up next to me in the rocking chair ( which isn't big enough for 3 )one time spilling a whole bag of trail mix all over the floor. And when i got Kael to go upstairs with me so Owen could sleep a little, Kael was brushing his teeth and so i thought i'd try to change the sheets on my bed and all the sudden i hear 'splashing' and run to the bathroom and kael is playing with his toothbrush in the toilet!!! lovely!!!
but once again i'm grateful that my husband works from i got a shower and made us breakfast on his 'lunch' (which is around 8-9am since he starts work at 4am) and my good friend Katie came over and made the boys (Georgie and Kael) and me lunch and did some dishes for me. And because mike gets done with work at noon, i went out this afternoon and did some more errands, which is sooo easy when you only have a baby. Although i had to get Owen's passport photo taken (because we are going to England for Christmas) and he cried the whole time and it took a long time to open his eyes...but me and the girl at walgreen's finally pulled it off.
it's funny when i had Kael i wouldn't have thought to go out with him when he was only 3 weeks old on my OWN, but today was no problem. Owen is soo much easier to take out than Kael at this point.
And i even got to fold the 4 + loads of laundry that we hadn't touched yet. And we already had more dirty sheets (thanks to owen spitting up most of his milk last night all over the sheets around 5am) and a few more loads to do.
but hey, we're doing well.