well guys. i'm not sure where i stand on this blogging thing anymore. i used to share what was really going on with me, but for some reason i'm not so sure i want to do that anymore, be so vulnerable. i feel like i could share little things about my life, but it just seems to boring to write in a blog. there hasn't been much blogging lately, partly due to all the moving around, but partly due to the fact that i'm just not sure what to say anymore. i'm not sure who is reading this and i'm not sure exactly what they want to hear from me.
i'll write anyways....
i'm actually amazed at how quickly we seem to be settling here in madison. we don't really know anyone and yet we moved here, but we're pretty sure we have found a church already, the pastor actually came up and introduced himself. (turns out he knows my pastor in tomahawk) i made a friend, another mom, who i think i will call to go for coffee tomorrow, i have a job, (which i am amazed that i got the job at the location i wanted...five minutes from our apartment...and they were hiring, she hired me on the spot....
and we are building our own business and things are going really well so far.
so i have been doing good. but life catches up a bit. i think possibly i am just hormonal and it is near that 'time of the month' so it may be why today i'm feeling a bit unsure of myself. a bit tired. emotionally. i'm pretty sure kael is teething and i just want him to get into a routine, i want him to feel settled. I"m feeling that i have no time for myself. no time to think. and i don't yet have any other moms around here to talk to about it)( i will soon) but i miss my friends...i really miss joanna lately...i would just love to sit with her and cry. that's how i feel at this moment.
when i wake up i may not feel like crying anymore....i will still miss joanna though. but life is moving forward and it is quite positive i'm just having a moment. and i guess even though at the beginning i said i wasn't sure about really sharing myself anymore and i guess i did it again. blogging feels like someone is listening....