Hello. Well......this weekend has been absolutely great. And actually since my last post i've had a few emails and comments from people and i tend to agree witheveryone..i think it is a mixture of things we have choosen...(by choosing to leave ywam and live in the states it takes some work to mike's visa....etc..) and also i am tired, and having a kid does just bring your life under a new perspective and in my case that means, i want some more space of our own and i want a home..and in the long run, six months here isn't that long if it will help us save up money toward a house and let us get mike's visa.....so i'm adjusting to the idea, i think i will take other people's comments and maybe take some online courses or try to work on some creative ventures while being a mom....
so that's that...and now this weekend ..friday night, we picked up Rachel, Henri and Rachel's Boyfriend from the train station in Glasgow..headed to starbucks to catch up ...and then came backk to the house..played dutch blitz and after we were all tired....headed to our rooms....Because this is a big place there are lots of rooms, so one of the girls put nametags on the rooms and on Tim's room (rachels' boyfriend) it said:
rachel's partner...:) and they couldn't remember Henri's name so on their room it said Rachael and her friend..:) we thought it was pretty funny.
and it was just soo relaxing to be with my friends again....to hang out, we went bowlling and the boys kicked our butts...but we still had a great time.....and since none of us are i ywam, we could think about doing stuff ad not worry about the money so much....i feel like it was a good break for me, to be with people where i feel myself, peope that know me.
and here are my thoughts on rachel's boyfriend.....
i really like him. i forgot to get a picture of him....but he's good looking and really nice. He's quieter..but maybe that's cause he didn't really know us and in a way i felt bad for him cause alot of times we were talking about things that he didn't know about or people....but it's okay, cause another part of the time i was the oddball cause they were reminiscing about shows from here they used to watch and since i'm the only non-british one among them i had no clue what they were talking about....
but anyways, back to rachel's partner...i can't say that i got to know him tons but what i saw i really liked him....i think they are very good together, he seems to really care about her and they are very relaxed together. overall i approve. :) so that's my weekend......and now mike's sister is coming today actually....the first time kael will see his aunt lisa. fun times......ell my friends i miss you all too bad you all weren't here for a wonderful dutch blitzed filled weekend.
i'll post pics soon ..