my dad is coming ! he drives semi-truck and has a trip out here and so the timing is perfect. He'll arrive late tonight, get some sleeep and we'll hook up with him the morning. me and mike are going to go camping tonight and then we'll be right there in the morning when he is there too....so cool. He's already picked out this little town we can hang out in for the day. I'm very blessed. Itll be fun to see my dad and i'm definitely more pregnant than when i saw im last. And he's bringing me baby shower gifts that i couldn't fit in my suitcase last time. i love my dad. one thing i thing is the greatest about him is he is always growing, always learning and always willing to change. Me and Him are very alike in that we are opinionated and strong-willed and we use to fight all the time. But we have learned to communicate really well and now we so close because of it. I respect Him very much for the hard-worker he is but so much because even though He is stubborn and strong He will listen to you, he will listen to God, He will be willing to see Himself in new ways, He will let God show him how to be a better man, He will admit his weaknesses...He will change and grow. And i love that about him so much. So, this is for my dad!!!